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Our Trustees

Mr Greg Gordon (Chair)

What is your role at HPC and what motivated you to get involved?

I am a Trustee and Chair. I have lived in Hornsey for over forty years and support the aims and objectives of HPC.

Tell us a  little about your past experience. 

I was a board member and Chair of Hornsey Housing Trust, a not for profit Housing Association providing homes for social rent, for six years.

What have you enjoyed most during your time as a Trustee with HPC? 

I was particularly pleased when we invested our portfolio in an ‘ethical fund’ so that the income we are able to donate is not funded by exploitation in another part of the world.

Ms Naomi Malone (Vice Chair)

What is your role at HPC and what motivated you to get involved?

I am a Trustee and member of the Executive  Committee. I got involved to help people in the area of benefit to improve their lives and education.


Tell us a  little about your past experience. 

I live in the area of benefit and work locally as a Lay Schools Worker. I have been a key worker in the community for many years, and I am well known by local families, especially in through leadership of a local parent/carer and toddler drop-in. My children have recently passed through local secondary schools.


What have you enjoyed most during your time as a Trustee with HPC? 

I have been pleased to assist with the grant making process to help both the local people and organisation in the area. I am also assisting with the governance side of running the charity.

Fr Ben Kerridge (Emergency Committee Member) 

What is your role at HPC and what motivated you to get involved?

I’m a very trustee at Hornsey Parochial Charities, but I have always been very grateful for the support of the charity in the community. I first came to know it when I was chaplain of North London YCMA, and it provided really useful grants for some of the residents to get started in new careers or homes. Hornsey Parochial Charities has also been really supportive of the Winter Night Shelter, Hornsey Mutual Aid and more recently Hornsey Food Bank which I was involved with setting up and am now treasurer. Having seen the wonderful work the charity does, it seemed only fair to get involved as a trustee and put something back.


Tell us a  little about your past experience. 

I’ve been Vicar of Holy Innocents, Hornsey for 6 years, and before that I was Curate of Hornsey Parish Church. As part of my role I’ve been involved in two local schools, St Mary’s and St Aidan’s, where I am currently a governor. I’ve been involved in various community organisations – Hornsey Food Bank, Hornsey Mutual Aid, the Winter Night Shelter and North London YMCA. I have a special interest in homelessness. Before becoming a priest, I taught English in Italy and I grew up in Cornwall.


What have you enjoyed most during your time as a Trustee with HPC? 

I really value the role the organisation has in the community and the many people we are able to help and I’m delighted to be able to support it.


Rev Bruce Batstone (Ex Officio)  

What is your role at HPC and what motivated you to get involved?

The Rector of Hornsey is an ex officio trustee of HPC, so I joined the board of trustees when I came to the parish in 2011.


Tell us a  little about your past experience. 

I have had experience of trusteeship in various other situations, both as Rector of Hornsey, and in my last parish in St Pancras and Camden Town, where I was a parish priest and also a mental health chaplain. I continue to have a lot of experience with schools and am part of a host of networks in the local community. I am also an ex officio trustee of the Greig Trust which is another local charity with similar objects.


What have you enjoyed most during your time as a Trustee with HPC? 

I consider it a great privilege being able to influence grant making for people and organisations in need in our community. I also enjoy the relationships with other trustees.

Mrs Jennifer Mann

What is your role at HPC and what motivated you to get involved?

I became a Trustee of Hornsey Parochial Charities in December 2017 and was Chair from November 2020 until November 2022.


Tell us a  little about your past experience. 

I was a primary school teacher from 1971 – 1996 teaching in three London Boroughs including Haringey. In 1997 I joined the Education section of the Trade Union Congress and delivered computer education including Learn Direct courses. I worked in education, administrative and organising roles at the TUC for sixteen years until December 2013.


In May 2014 I was elected a Haringey Councillor in Hornsey Ward. Apart from Council Committee work much of my time was spent on individual casework for Hornsey residents. I also got to know HPC during this time and decided I wanted to be involved with this charity. I was Mayor of Haringey 2015-2016 and Mayoress 2017-2018 supporting my husband Stephen as Mayor. As Mayor I raised money for a charity, All People All Places, which provides winter night shelters for homeless people in Hornsey. Stephen and I volunteered to cook breakfasts there.  


What have you enjoyed most during your time as a Trustee with HPC? 

Being a Trustee of HPC I most enjoy the fact that with every grant we approve we are making a real difference to people’s lives.

Councillor Adam Jogee

What is your role at HPC and what motivated you to get involved?

I am a trustee of the charities and was motivated to get involved both as a Hornsey councillor but also as someone who was born and brought up here in N8. 

Tell us a  little about your past experience. 

I was elected to represent Hornsey on Haringey Council in 2014. At age 22, I was Hornsey’s youngest councillor and brought with me the experiences and values of our community. I was the Mayor of Haringey for the 2020/21 Municipal year.

What have you enjoyed most during your time as a Trustee with HPC? 

It has been wonderful to meet new people in the form of my fellow Trustees but most importantly it has been a huge joy to support so many different community groups and organisations. 


Mthr Mitzi James

What is your role at HPC and what motivated you to get involved?

I am a co-optative Trustee on the Board of HPC. I am the curate Hornsey Parish Church and Chaplain to the local YMCA hostel and charity. I feel I am well positioned to inform HPC of need in our community through my ministry and with many networks in the local community.

Tell us a  little about your past experience. 

I worked in local government and a variety of roles in the charitable sector.  I have travelled widely and have experience of the challenge and need in a variety of cultures.  I grew up in Haringey and a very good sense of the makeup of the area of benefit. I was ordained in 2020.

What have you enjoyed most during your time as a Trustee with HPC? 

I very much enjoy that so many people from diverse backgrounds come together to serve our community.

Dorcas Cumming

What is your role at HPC and what motivated you to get involved?

I am a Trustee of the Board of Hornsey Parochial Charities, with legal

experience. I was motivated to become a Trustee so I could support the people North London, where I have lived most of my adult life. I like the “hands on” aspect of a small charity and I would particularly like to help children and the elderly who suffered during the pandemic.


Tell us a little about your past experience.

I have worked as a Solicitor, with my early career in private practice and banking. Later, as an in-house lawyer for several large charities. My voluntary roles include being a board member of English Rural Housing Association, and a lay member of London Central Research Ethics Committee which reviews proposals for medical research.

What have you enjoyed most during your time as a Trustee with HPC? 

Meeting and working congenial colleagues. I like making decisions that will have a direct impact on the lives of people in need in North London.

Cressida Johnson

What is your role at HPC and what motivated you to get involved?

I am a Trustee on the Board of HPC. I was keen to get involved as it is a brilliant charity working in the heart of the community where I live and which, I represent as a local Councillor. 


Tell us a little about your past experience.

I worked for many years as a nurse specialising in child and adolescent mental health. I have lived in Hornsey for 20 years and since the birth of my children, I have become increasingly involved in our community,

including acting as a governor of our children’s centre and as fundraising officer for 345 nurseries. In May 2021, I was proud to be elected as a Labour Councillor for Crouch End Ward.

What have you enjoyed most during your time as a Trustee with HPC? 

As a local resident and elected councillor, I am delighted to be of service to HPC and to work as part of the established team.

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