How to apply

How to apply
If you are resident or an organisation working towards improving the lives of people living in our area of benefit (all of N8, parts of N10, N2, N6, or N4) and meet the eligibility criteria and think Hornsey Parochial Charities might be able to help, please check your address falls within the eligibility map below. If the address falls with the map boundaries, then please use the appropriate link below to apply for a grant. If it falls outside then look at our useful links to find other organisations that may be able to offer support.
Please see our postcode checker to see if your postcode is eligible. If your postcode is not eligible please do not complete an application as we will not be able to make a grant.
If your postcode does not qualify please go to our useful links to see if there are other local charities and organisations that may be able to help
If you are applying for an Individual Grant please ask your supporting professional or organisation to complete the application for you. You will need evidence of your benefits or pay and a letter or email reference from either a third party professional supporting organisation or support worker supporting your application. If a grant is awarded, the majority of household items will be supplied via a voucher scheme.
If as an individual, you are applying for Educational support then you will need to supply your course enrolment letter and if eligible your student loan document and if applicable evidence of family income.
If you are applying for an Organisation Grant your organisation needs to be working to improve the lives of people living within the area of benefit and based for 12 months or more within the area of benefit.