Support & funding
Our approach
We strive for best practice in our grant making and welcome feedback from grantees and applicants so we can improve our impact in Hornsey. We do this by making grants to individuals living within the area of benefit (refer to map at the end of this page) or grants to organisations who are based within the area of benefit or whose projects benefit people living or being educated within the area of benefit. We have three mechanisms for grant giving: 1) Individual Grants, 2) Educational Grants, 3) Organisational Grants.
1) Hornsey Parochial Charities Individual Grants
Hornsey Parochial Charities Individual Grants support residents during times of need. Individual Grants can provide support for household items (for example: cookers, fridges, washing machines, beds, bedding, furniture and essential baby equipment), as well as basic clothing and footwear and other items during an immediate crisis. Grants are usually awarded via a voucher.
Who do Hornsey Parochial Charities Individual Grants support?
People who have lived twelve months or more in our area of benefit (refer to map at the end of this page).
To be eligible to apply for a Hornsey Parochial Charities Individual Grant you must:
Be a resident for twelve months or more in our area of benefit.
Complete our Individual Grant online application form.
Applications must be supported by a reference letter from either a third party professional supporting organisation or support worker.
2) Hornsey Parochial Charities Educational Grants
Hornsey Parochial Charities Educational Grants support young people in Hornsey under the age of 25 to access education or career development. Educational Grants can provide support towards for tuition fees, educational equipment and expenses. We do not support postgraduate education.
Who do Hornsey Parochial Charities Educational Grants support?
Young residents who live within the area of benefit and are receiving or have received their primary and / or Secondary Education within our area of benefit.
To be eligible to apply for a Hornsey Parochial Charities Educational Grant you must:
Be a resident for twelve months or more in our area of benefit.
Be under the age 25.
Receiving or received Primary and / or Secondary Education within our area of benefit.
Complete our online Educational Grant application form.
3) Hornsey Parochial Charities Organisational Grants
Hornsey Parochial Charities Organisational Grants support charitable organisations working to improve the lives of people living in our area of benefit.
Who do Hornsey Parochial Charities Organisational Grants support?
Organisations working to improve the lives of people living in our area of benefit.
To be eligible to apply for a Hornsey Parochial Charities Organisational Grant you must:
Be based for twelve months or more in our area of benefit.
Be working to improve the lives of people living in our area of benefit.
Hornsey Parochial Charities Area of Benefit